

Week4 input &output

the family terminal control system protects owners property eveywhere. in oreder to acheive this goal, it should be more realiable and useful to protct our properties. From the lecture of input & out put, we learned a fansicnated technology for achieving my idea, which is RFID. We can use the principle of RFID to protect our properties base on th efamily terminal control system.

RFID is a sort of reliable technoevery  to prevent theaft. It would be detected and alarmed without athourized by adminstrator, itsuseful techologly for security;indeed, it uses markets and book stores a lot. You can find them easily from the books cover, or outside packging. In this case, we would use RFID in our family control system to protect our properties. For instance, if owners had some antiques in the home, he can put the tag in his antique. The tag can be detected by our family terminal control sytem when it took out home by rubber or theaft. In fact, the traditonal passive tags cannot satisfy our requirement on secuty protections, so we need a kind of more advanced RFID tags to replace it.  however commoly used tags do not need battery power, but it usually less than 3 meters. so it cannot work perfectly in ranged of our house or garden. So the more powerful tags shoud be used In our system, which is Active tags. The Active tag has more powerful than commly use tags, passive tags. First, it can use in bigger operating range. So if owners put active tag in his antique,those antiques would be protected in our range of family control system. 

The family control system also connects police department, if our system detected unormally actve in home, or some one stole our personal properties from home, the system will directly to call police department. Police department can use dectectors to locate our lost things location through RFID. Although, today the development of RFID is still not matuity, it actually develop to be more powerful, it can be located from far away, just like GPS. If RFID had developed enough, it can reduce GPS uses. In fact, the costs of  GPS are highly than RFID a lot, even it also limited universal and weathers changing.

2 条评论:

  1. Good explanation of RFID and nice job coming up with a practical means in which to use it with your idea. How are other companies using RFID tagging to secure their inventory?

  2. Great idea. I think the RFID can actually replace the GPS. Because it is faster and cheaper. Install a RFID reader on the garage door and a RFID chip on the owner's car. As the car getting in the garage the Familily termital system starts to work. It saves the time while GPS needs to calculate where the car is. :)
