

Week 6 Blog review post

This blog talks about RFID, which won't threaten personal privacy. RFID has many benefits. Apparently, this Blog introduces benefits of RFID in our life, also it is an efficient technology to business, government and individuals. The blogger briefly illustrates how RFID works in our life. Most importantly, he thinks the technology development is resisted by peoples over concerns on privacy. This issue will discuss the RFID works in family terminal control system and combine this blog.

I agree that the RFID has more benefits than its privacy concerns;indeed the blogger uses specific example to prove how RFID useful in new U.S pass ports card, which will improve the efficiency for national security. The family terminal control system uses same principle to identity visitors. Protecting cars is RFID another useful function. Putting RFID in cars can reflect the signal to Family terminal control system, and it is good for securing cars.

In my opinion, RFID is really useful technology, which uses to identity the information. The privacy is important to me, but blogger doesn't think it is a big deal. Because RFID  may be hacked by the bad guys who intent to get your information. So It is possible for you to lose your personal information, when you use RFID.

2 条评论:

  1. DingJie, I agree with your opinion because I think the security online is really important and need to be concerned about. Lots of spam emails are sent to our email boxes today and we should think about how to avoid it, and how to refuse the store that you purchase when they want to get your email. And yes, the personal privacy is important that we should protect it.

    Yazhu Tian

  2. I think the RFID also has long way to go, first, it needs to be popularized because if few people know about this, maybe it will affect the number of people who use the RFID. Second, it only can apply for people in developed country, because the developing country may don't have the technology to give large amount production and the cost of production also gives a problem. Third, as you said, the security is really important.
